Ongoing projects






Arturs doet

Contact: Dr. M. Hogenbirk,

This project aims at providing a digital edition of the thirteenth century Middle Dutch Arthurian romance Arturs doet, an adaptation of the Old French La Mort le Roi Artu (ca. 1230). The Middle Dutch text text has come down to us as the last part of a famous fourteenth-century manuscript known as the Lancelot Compilation (The Hague, Royal Library, ms. 129 A 10).



Het Beatrijs-handschrift

Een digitale diplomatische teksteditie in de reeks ‘Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden’

Contact: Wim van Anrooij,

De Beatrijs is overgeleverd in een handschrift van omstreeks 1370 (Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 76 E 5), waarin nog diverse andere Middelnederlandse teksten bewaard zijn gebleven. Het gaat onder meer om werk van Boendale, citaten uit het werk van Ruusbroec, maar ook om de Heimelicheit der heimelicheden. Doel van het project is te komen tot een digitale diplomatische teksteditie met inleiding van de integrale inhoud van dit verzamelhandschrift. De editie volgt de richtlijnen die ten grondslag liggen aan de reeks ‘Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden’ en verschijnt ook in die reeks.



Bilingualism in Medieval Ireland

Contact: Mícheál Ó Flaithearta, en Tom de Schepper,

Medieval Ireland made use of two languages, Latin and Old Irish. This project investigates why the two languages are used where they are in two complementary corpora. One is the Leabhar Breac, a manuscript with many bilingual texts; the other is the commentary to the Félire Óengusso, a bilingual text tradition in many a manuscript. The manifold forms of bilingualism will be made visible through the online transcriptions within the eLaborate environment, enabling a dynamic display of linguistic data and the possibility to perform detailed analyses of the development of bilingual ability in this important area of medieval Europe.



Guy de Bres, Le baston de la foy chrestienne (1555-1565),

Contact: Erik A. de Boer,

The writings of Guy de Bres (ca. 1522 – 31 may 1567) have never been published again, nor received a critical edition. The goal of this project is the edition of a digital copy of De Bres’ first work, Le baston de la foy chrestienne. The editions aims to show the changes and additions from the edition princeps of 1555 until the final edition of 1565; to trace the quotations to possible 16th century sources; to verify the quotations in modern editions, supplementing information from patristic and patrological scholarship; and to trace the quotations from Scripture to a contemporary French Bible.



Ernst Brinck (1582-1649), Adversaria

Contact: Claudia Swan,

Ernst Brinck was widely active in the first half of the seventeenth century in the conjoined fields of politics, science, and the arts and his literary legacy comprises an exceptionally rich resource for research on early modern European life and travel, Dutch culture and history, the makings of early modern science, art of the era, travel, and an array of other subjects as well. Just under fifty notebooks are preserved in the Streekarchivariaat Noord Veluwe in Harderwijk, and will be made available for transcription and annotation. Brinck, a networker extraordinaire, political emissary, collector, gardener, and librarian, is a supremely relevant witness to the matters and facts of his time. The notebooks have never been studied before outside of the Streekarchivariaat Noord Veluwe.



Lipsius Correspondence

Contact: Jeanine De Landtsheer,

Lipsius kept a busy correspondence with the leading scholars of his time, with leaders of Church and State, but also with numerous (former) students. The majority of these letters is preserved in Leiden UB, copies of Lipsius’s outgoing letters in ms. Lip. 3 and the original letters sent to him in ms. Lip. 4. Purpose of the project is to publish this prolific correspondence available on the web, so that a transcription, variant readings, and a summary of the letters is available, preceding a critical commentary. The latter is already complete for the correspondence published in the Iusti Lipsi Epistolae. In the future it should become possible to compare Lipsius’s letters with those of contemporaries, such as Carolus Clusius, Josephus Justus Scaliger, Bonaventura Vulcanius and others.



Neo-Latin Theater in the Low Countries

Contact: Jan Bloemendal, en Verena Demoed,

This project aims at providing a large collection of Neo-Latin theatrical texts from the 16th-century Low Countries. The size of the collection and the fact that the texts are also reproduced as machine-readable transcripts, enable new research questions, for instance about:

– the circulation of subjects and theme’s
– or dramatical techniques and style

Research into these questions is much more difficult if the texts are only available in print. Eventually the project endeavors to reproduce the variations between primary and later editions in a more surveyable way than can now be done in print.







